Or maybe it's just the fact that a depiction of suicide does not fit the game's current rating and would have forced them to remove it or increase their rating (which is easier said than done after release) especially when a game that's rated ok for someone it was bought for then suddenly it's not. Maybe somebody close to the development team took their own life. Just because these scenes aren't triggering to you, doesn't mean they aren't triggering to some. Look at any online game when the online service is pulled.

When you buy the game and accept the TOS at the beginning, they reserve the right to change the game whether that is adding or taking away. It might be an annoyance, but to act like it ruins the game or is some criminal act is overkill. I'm sorry but an organized review-bomb is more pathetic than anything the developer did. People should know going in how this developer maintains their games. The superhot games are some of the most interesting games i've ever played, but i'd never buy anything from that developer again because i do not trust them anymore. The product you buy will not be the product you get to keep, and halfway through the game what you're doing might get removed or completely changed so as to be unrecognizable from what you were doing the day before.

They will, on a complete whim, radically alter and gut the entire product you've already purchased. The review would be a warning to future buyers that this developer is basically unhinged. The game without the narrative is significantly worse than the game with the narrative, and the developer has been saying on discord how his plan is to just rip the whole story out of the game and make it a shooting gallery where you pick whatever level you want and play it. I haven't left a 1 star review, but I would for 2 reasons: But both the original superhot and VR had very, very interesting and cool stories centered around these kind of themes and this guts it completely. If all you want is a "time moves while you do" shooting gallery with nothing connecting the levels, then you will have that soon.

It was truly an amazing achievement in immersion and physical storytelling, and it was a moment pivotal to the plot of the game. A friend of mine had to close his eyes while another friend gave him a nudge. The first point playing a VR game where i knew everything around me was fake and i was in my room with my headset on, and yet i also was aware that my brain 100% believed i was standing on that rooftop, and that jumping off the building would be bad. The building jump in this game was my first true "VR Moment". These changes essentially gut the entire story the game was trying to tell, and they're not even replaced with anything.